傳統文化新三才 涵養孩子新未來
節目分集簡介 (第五季節目共有13集,每集長度約12分鐘)
HD規格 中文發音 中文字幕
1.說「新」About “New”
Want children to learn how to sacrifice for others and be considerate? This ancient Chinese story, “How Pangu Created the World,” will tell them.
2.說「唐」About “Tang”
The Chinese character “唐 (Tang)” in the oracle bone script means “the sound of grand and beautiful bells.” With bells’ beautiful sound, what does the word, “Tang,” mean?
3.說「人」About “Human”
Do you want your children to be rich or kind? This episode will tell you the butterfly effect of being a kind person.
4.說「武」About ”Martial”
Do you ever want your children to learn martial arts for self-defense as there are more and more bad people in society? Let’s learn the word “武 (wu, martial)” and see what will be the best for them to learn martial arts.
5.說「夏」About “Summer”
From the story of an ancient Chinese emperor, Dayu, children can learn what selflessness is to have kindness and patience grown in their hearts.
6說「禮」 About “Courtesy”
We always teach children to be polite. In this episode, after learning the connotation of the word “禮 (li, courtesy),” children will be more generous and kind.
7說「德」 About “Ethical Virtus”
The ancient Chinese people often said that virtue is the “property” inherited from ancestors. How do our ancestors pass “virtue” to us? Can virtue exchange happiness for a person?
8.說「大」About “Big”
Do you want your children to be open-minded? This episode on the word “big” will raise their perspectives. Not being arrogant, they can become big and strong.
9 說「紀」About “Record”
Why is recording the history of a country, a nation, or even a person so very important? The word “record” really plays the best role.
10 說「元」About “Onset”
As a drunkard accidentally beat a man to death, though he was remorseful and trying to atone for his sin through cultivation practice, the debt of killing a life was still waiting for him to repay even though he was already a senior monk in a temple. You will know why after watching this episode about “Onset.”
11 說「文字」About “Characters”
Do you ever feel that trying to write new Chinese characters is boring? After learning the origin of the term “文字 Wenzi (characters),” you’d probably find that Wenzi have “superpowers,” making learn new characters more interesting.
12 說「正」 About “Straight”
How to educate straightforward children by setting righteous examples? As the old saying goes, “If the top beam is not straight, the lower beams will be crooked,” you will learn it by watching this episode about “Straight。”
13.說「講」About “Speak”
Hard to communicate with children? Let’s learn how the character “講 (jiang, talk/speak)” help you go across the gap of parent-child communication.
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