※Basic pronunciations of letters A-Z. 字母 A~Z 的基本發音方式
※Recognizing syllables in an English word. 辨識英文單字裡的音節。
※Long and short vowels. 長短母音
※Phonetic awareness establishment through simple 3-letter words, such as “cat”, “bug”, “pin”, etc.
用 3 個字母組成的單字來建構音韻覺識,如「cat」「bug」「pin」等等。
※Introductions and greetings 自我介紹及打招呼
※Face and body parts 臉部五官與身體部位
※Family members 親屬稱謂
※Guiding vocabulary learned along with the sounds of letters A-Z 學習字母 A-Z 對應發音時一同習得的導引單字
※Phonological awareness activities 訓練音韻覺察力的相關活動
※English vocabulary recognition activities 訓練辨識單字的相關活動
※Drills on greeting others 訓練向他人打招呼
※Recognizing syllables in an English word. 辨識英文單字裡的音節。
※Long and short vowels. 長短母音
※Phonetic awareness establishment through simple 3-letter words, such as “cat”, “bug”, “pin”, etc.
用 3 個字母組成的單字來建構音韻覺識,如「cat」「bug」「pin」等等。
※Introductions and greetings 自我介紹及打招呼
※Face and body parts 臉部五官與身體部位
※Family members 親屬稱謂
※Guiding vocabulary learned along with the sounds of letters A-Z 學習字母 A-Z 對應發音時一同習得的導引單字
※Phonological awareness activities 訓練音韻覺察力的相關活動
※English vocabulary recognition activities 訓練辨識單字的相關活動
※Drills on greeting others 訓練向他人打招呼