※Recognize similar-sounding and word-ending consonant pairs: /b/ vs. /p/; /d/ vs. /t/; /s/ vs. /z/
辨識 /b/ 與 /p/、/d/ 與 /t/、/s/ 與 /z/ 等發音相近且常在字尾出現的成對子音
※Two sounds of letter C 字母 C 的兩種發音
※Classroom commands (recognition) 教室內的指令(僅認字)
※Numbers 1-20 (spelling) 數字 1~20(拼寫)
※Numbers 21-100 (recognition) 數字 21~100(認字)
※Colors (spelling) 顏色(拼寫)
※Words that describe people (spelling) 稱呼他人的用詞(拼寫)
※Objects in the classroom (guided spelling) 教室裡的物品(引導式拼寫)
※Objects in the bedroom (guided spelling) 臥室裡的物品(引導式拼寫)
※Zoo and Farm Animals (guided spelling) 動物園與農場裡的動物(引導式拼寫)
Sight Words: look, see, can, want, big, small, stop, go, walk, run, jump, have, like
識讀詞:look, see, can, want, big, small, stop, go, walk, run, jump, have, like,
※Phonological awareness activities 訓練音韻覺察力的相關活動
※English vocabulary recognition activities 訓練辨識單字的相關活動
※Simple Letter Stories: A-C 字母小故事系列影片:A~C
※Stepped Readers for basic sentence structure training. 特別為訓練基本句型而設計的初階閱讀教材。
辨識 /b/ 與 /p/、/d/ 與 /t/、/s/ 與 /z/ 等發音相近且常在字尾出現的成對子音
※Two sounds of letter C 字母 C 的兩種發音
※Classroom commands (recognition) 教室內的指令(僅認字)
※Numbers 1-20 (spelling) 數字 1~20(拼寫)
※Numbers 21-100 (recognition) 數字 21~100(認字)
※Colors (spelling) 顏色(拼寫)
※Words that describe people (spelling) 稱呼他人的用詞(拼寫)
※Objects in the classroom (guided spelling) 教室裡的物品(引導式拼寫)
※Objects in the bedroom (guided spelling) 臥室裡的物品(引導式拼寫)
※Zoo and Farm Animals (guided spelling) 動物園與農場裡的動物(引導式拼寫)
Sight Words: look, see, can, want, big, small, stop, go, walk, run, jump, have, like
識讀詞:look, see, can, want, big, small, stop, go, walk, run, jump, have, like,
※Phonological awareness activities 訓練音韻覺察力的相關活動
※English vocabulary recognition activities 訓練辨識單字的相關活動
※Simple Letter Stories: A-C 字母小故事系列影片:A~C
※Stepped Readers for basic sentence structure training. 特別為訓練基本句型而設計的初階閱讀教材。